In every good sitcom there is a cast of characters… and you have yet to be formerly introduced to mine. Why a sitcom??? Because many have said (myself included) that my life so closely resembles a sitcom that I should just have cameras set up everywhere like the Big Brother house and a few non paparazzi camera men following me around everywhere (oh and of course that one guy with the big microphone with the puffy end that looks like a giant q-tip)…but I digress.
The Characters:
Leslie- That’s me (the one who brings this little ray of joy into your life.) I am a little crazy…and may or may not have a problem settling on one pair of sunglasses.
Justin- (on the left) That’d be the HUSBAND ;) He is super fantastic! (Ummm what else do you need to know?) He’s from Eufaula, AL and I met him when I waited tables and he was a manager at Wings on 280, but he is currently in the Coast Guard and away at boot camp in CAPE MAY, NJ! (we are counting down till he comes home… when we will promptly move, but that’s another story too…).
Daniel(‘D’)- (on the right) Justin’s roommate, and possibly down the line my cousin, thus I call him ‘cuz’ 90% of the time (his last name is Holmes too!) He works for the Shelby County Reporter in graphic design and he also does some REALLY awesome photography on the side. He’s a great friend to Justin (ergo the uber cute picture below) so I think that we’ll keep him around!
Kelli- Kelli is Daniel’s girlfriend and I am SOOO glad he brought her around. We basically share a brain and have done ALOT of the same things in life… (Chi O, Pantherettes, Pelham High School just to name a few) We have good times together (lots of laughing! and more stupid moments than I could ever share) Kelli is the director of marketing for Easter Seals (basically has a super awesome job) and has a 3 yr old named Addison.
Kim (Soulmate)- Kim has been my soulmate since college… one of the best girls I know! She is married to Jim her college sweetheart (who also happens to be in the Coast Guard) they live in D.C. and she is a high school English teacher. We have got some serious history, I could write a book on just our crazy stories!
Falon- FALLY! I LOVE THIS GIRL! Super cute and one of the best friends a girl could ask for! She teaches kindergarten (well she did until the school laid her off like they did me… stupid education!)We have also shared a few crazy times (ok maybe a ton…) and she is now living in McCalla with her sweet baby Allie Paige!
Jamie- Last but not least, Sweet Jamie Michelle… Kim’s first cousin and my B.F.F.!! We hit it off the instant that we met at Kim’s wedding festivities! Love her! Couldn’t make it without her. She is SUPER smart and in med school… She and her husband Jamie D. (yes they have the same name… get over it) currently live in North Carolina (at least for this leg of schooling!)
The Fam:
Mom- That’d be the Mom…
Dan- That’d be the step dad.
Daddy- The daddy!
Debby- The step-mom.
Jeff- And the brother. He’s 10 years older than me if you were wondering :)
That’s about the gist of it… Stay tuned!!!
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