Friday, December 31, 2010


Just a quickie… This year’s resolution is that I am going to try to do at least one blog per week… you heard it! 52 lovely posts from me this year… I know you are SOOO excited!


Have a great New Years! Be Safe!


…Here’s Hopin’

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

…It’s time to Work/Nothing is working right!

Today was Justin’s first day of work. (Doesn’t he look good!)
I got up like the good wife, and made him lunch (just cause we are sweet rookies and we don’t know if he is able to eat on the ship or how that works)
We didn’t just have the paper bags on hand they were doggie bags from dinner the night before… I’m not THAT good (yet)
So Justin only spent one hour at work, and doesn't have to go back till Monday, (which is great since the Jamies are coming this weekend!), then came home changed and we played a bit of military base roulette, in search of the proper Tricare-ing
  To make a VERY long story shorter… make sure you bring your WHOLE life with you to get Tricare… AND I couldn’t be more serious! You’ll need ALL forms of ID, blood type, and possibly a lock of your dead grandfather’s hair… Then you will have to go back to the house for your dog’s permission and urine sample and then you can get your Military ID and get your Tricare signed up for MAYBE-- IF you are lucky… because it doesn’t go in the system (DEERS) in the same day, SOOOO you really are supposed to wait at least 24 hours (they are more comfortable with 42) THEN you can go to Tricare and set up… “your cards will be in the mail thank you”. Oh and “no ma’am we don’t handle dental, you’ll have to handle that online.” But don’t worry… being that today is the 29th of DECEMBER! and there’s only one more work day this YEAR, people were a bit more accommodating, and we are set.
  Also in the not so fun news... the movers have not made it yet (they should have been here today), and will most likely not be here till the 6th AT BEST and probably the 13th with our things! Apparently that was their plan all along (we had no idea!) and so here we sit... in an empty house... but oh well nothing we can do but wait.

  The cable guy is coming to fix his screw up tomorrow--there’s a satellite right outside the master bedroom… 2 options- flat cable, or drill a hole in the wall, (I figured the landlord would NEVER say yes to the hole so we opted for the flat cable) FLAT CABLE WAS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER! It caused the window to not be able to close (for 3 days) and a HUGE COLD draft to come in! So we called the Landlord and asked if the drilling would be an option and amazingly enough she said yes! So he will fix it and it will be all better tomorrow! That and the internet he messed up in the process…

Everything is fine-really!!... just inconvenient, but we are living much better than a lot of people, so we are blessed! Thanks for letting me vent… stay tuned we have tons of adventures coming soon!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

…I’ve been a Busy Bee

I mean I don’t even Know where to begin! OK who are we kidding… it’s LIST time!!! YAY!

…when last you read, I had just begun the packing process… since then… I HAVE…

  • Packed upwards of 90 boxes! (Literally EVERYTHING but a weeks worth of clothes and toiletries for each of us)


  • Managed our financial situation from 4 separate checking accounts to 2 joint checking and one savings account! AND paid all the bills ON TIME… as well as consolidated our debt so that we can have it paid off by the end of the year! (thank the LORD!)
  • Refinished 3 pieces of furniture that will be taken on the move.


photo (2)

photo (3)


After: (forgot a before of the hutch… sorry) Maggle looks like a little Queen on her throne hahaha!

photo (4)

  • Done all the Christmas shopping (and wrapping) on a budget ;) mind you… for both side of the family (20 people!)… We made our list in October! (No pictures cause Santa hasn’t come yet)
  • This past Friday was my last day at Evans Law Firm… My time there was such a blessing! They were fantastic!!!!
  • This week I have done some final touches, and gotten the ducks in a row, readied Rusty for the long haul ahead and said a few good byes… Starting tomorrow its HIGH GEAR time!


15th: Driving to Eufaula (just me)

16th: Driving to NJ (Justin’s Parents too)…we are leaving between 12 and 2 AM!

17th: Watching GRADUATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Driving to Charleston (With Justin now :)!!!!!!!)

18th: House hunt (already set up appointments, we’re renting) Driving to Eufaula.

19th: Christmas in Eufaula. Driving back to Helena.

20th: Emptying Justin’s storage unit back to Helena (already reserved U-Haul) Christmas in Helena.

21st: Christmas in Homewood.

22nd: Military Movers coming to pick up things (delivering on the 29th)

23rd: Moving! (pretty sure we’re leaving early… still figuring that out, probably have to get there during business hours for lease etc.)


WHEW… I’m tired just looking at it! But it’s going to be FUN and such a thrill to have Justin back! So I don’t even care how tired and busy we are! We will be in our own home for our very first Christmas…with nothing but an air mattress!… (and our dog hahaha) And we couldn’t be happier about it! That’s all we want and more than we need, we are so blessed!!!!

Merry Christmas!

Just in case I’m not back before then ;)