Friday, May 6, 2011

...I won, I Won!

Well sort of… My friend Mandy at AtlantaMilitaryMom gifted me one of her “Tender 8” Burger King Crown Cards, allowing me to test out the new tenders (For FREE!)

Who doesn’t love FREE FOOD!?

Justin and I went today to pick some up (20 of them, as well as large fries for each of us!) and we were pleasantly surprised! As a non-fan of Burger King growing up I thought that the tenders would be yucky, but I’ll be danged if Burger King hasn’t stepped it up over the past 15 or so years (probably helped that it wasn’t a run down one too.)

As for the official review?

Here is what we got for $10.21!!! (only .21 from the change holder in the car, out of our pocket)



  1. Great price… only $4.99 for 20!

  2. Great size…PERFECT for dipping

  3. Great flavor…most importantly (for the 400 lb girl that lives inside of me) these were crispy on the outside, with a really nice batter flavor and had moist white meat on the inside!
Overall we were TOTALLY satisfied with our lunch today… and I dare say that we will most likely return and purchase them on our own dime in the future!

Now…what is in it for you? Head over to AtlantaMilitaryMom and check out her GIVEAWAY to get your own FREE FOOD! (It’s running until the 20th of this month) Good Luck!

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